Expanding ones knowledge about traditions that are practiced in various cultures adds to a healthy understanding of our global society. Each year I meet people from all over the world who share my profession. The demand to learn and understand differences as well as customs nourishes the social skills as we learn from each other in order to help others.
An example of a cultural difference within my own back yard in Wagontown, Pennsylvania, is the Amish Community. These wonderful neighbors are self-supporting and hardworking individuals who do not rely on worldly things for happiness. Most attend a one-room school, dress alike to help encourage group strength and loyalty and oppose being photographed based upon the book of Exodus 20:4 in the Christian Bible. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or likeness of anything that is in the Heaven above….” This verse is also the reason why many do not put faces on dolls.
What are some of the cultural traditions that are within your culture, family or a population that you encounter?
Embracing this Social Realm of Life – e-nurse Femtique Judith
4 replies on “Cultural Traditions”
Thank you for explaining the reason why Amish people do not want to be photographed. I knew it had something to do with their religious beliefs, but I didn't know the specific quote from the Bible. Now that I understand their belief a little better, I can be a better "English" neighbor to these people.
I am Italian and because of this, we celebrate The Feast of the Seven Fishes. This tradition is usually for religious purposes and is celebrated around christmas, but my family isn't very religious. Instead, we celebrate this tradition more for the purposes of spending family time together and enjoying the holiday.
I think that understanding other cultural norms breeds a peaceful state of mind. Knowledge erodes fear, which is the underlying cause of mis-judgment and aggression. My father was an American Navy brat, who grew up all over the world. He was open to anyone's customs and I grew up accepting and curious about other ways of life. It helped me in my 13 year career as a travel agent.
Miss Irene (posted on her behalf by apickett_74)
Does anyone know the significance of "The Feast of the Seven Fishes"?