Today I continue to learn computer technology. A self-care Yoga session begins with a 5-minute mind-clearing in supported child’s pose followed by 10 breaths in Down Dog and a transition to mountain pose. Once I am grounded and at the computer, I set an intention to accomplish a specific task and off I go.
After a morning of roadblocks in WordPress, I am ready for a time-out. A cloud of fog enters logical thought and emotions of frustration encompass me. A Yoga break with legs up the wall for 10 minutes and an e-mail to a Digital Therapist provides the treatment necessary to accomplish my intention. Once the task is complete, I am in a good position to do what I love and that is to teach Yoga!
COVID was the catalyst to transition into virtual Yoga classes for me. It is a challenge to both clients and instructors to integrate Yoga with technology unless you are competent in using social media and computer technology. It is not easy to find the right Digital Therapist to partner with you, so I am sharing my resources.
Additionally, the affordable software program provides instructors with options to bundle classes. It is a feature that is easy for my clients to use. Tutorial videos are available on a variety of topics and tech support via e-mail provides timely feedback.
Yoga Studios are closing at alarming rates, making the change to virtual inevitable. I think about Charles Darwin’s evidence-based observation:
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most responsive to change.”
Create a healing environment that adapts to change. Think of solutions and partner with people who have the skills necessary for you to evolve.
I dedicate this blog to the people who work with me to transition Beaulieu Yoga. I call them Digital Therapists (to coin a term), and I recommend these individuals to all Yoga Instructors:
Webmaster, Daniel Payne at Tualatin Web;
Dan Price from and
Mark Toler who is a social media guru at 360Marketing/360Wellness.
Dear Clients,
Please go to the Classes page to sign up for the Gentle and Restorative Yoga Classes. You don’t have to be over 50 to enjoy it!